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Bosch NDE-8513-RX
Bosch NDE-8513-RX 400万像素室外广角固定圆顶PTRZ摄像机,在弱光下清晰细致的图像


Bosch NDE-8513-RX
Bosch NDE-8513-RX 400万像素室外广角固定圆顶PTRZ摄像机,在弱光下清晰细致的图像

Description Bosch NDE-8513-RX

FLEXIDOME IP starlight 8000i - 4MP X series

The FLEXIDOME IP starlight 8000i - 4MP X series camera offers a 1/1.8" sensor, starlight X and HDR X technology at 4.1MP resolution. It provides the perfect balance between high resolution and extreme low-light sensitivity with starlight X technology, ensuring highly detailed images even in the most challenging situations. HDR X enables the camera to capture video with a wide dynamic range across different light levels and
without motion artefacts on moving objects. Fast moving objects are easily captured with frame rates of up to 60 frames per second at the same 4.1MP resolution. The camera’s remote commissioning functionality
makes sure installation and commissioning can be done in very little time. Using a PC or a mobile device with the Bosch Project Assistant app, you can pan, tilt, roll and zoom (PTRZ) and point the camera to the required field of view with a single click - without ever having to touch the camera or lens.

Key features:

  • Wireless or remote configuration and commissioning with the Project Assistant app. Pan, Tilt, Roll and Zoom (PTRZ) to move the camera to the desired field of view without having to touch the camera or lens

  • Starlight X technology with 1/1.8" 4.1 MP sensor for better low light performance with maximum detail

  • HDR X - High Dynamic Range to see every detail in both light and dark areas of the scene without motion artifacts

  • Built-in Intelligent Video Analytics with object detection to trigger alerts and quickly retrieve data with highest reliability

  • Camera Trainer to teach the camera to recognize user-specified target objects for both moving and non-moving objects

Difference Bosch NDE-851X and NDE-850X models

Bosch NDE-851X-XX models do not have WiFi for installation

Bosch NDE-850X-XX models do have WiFi for installation. Made to order.

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NDE-8513-RX数据表 4.5 MB pdf
NDE-8513-RX用户手册 609.91 KB pdf
NDE-8513-RX安装手册 4.61 MB pdf
NDE-8513-RX快速安装指南 4.35 MB pdf
+86 (400) 018‑4038